Anerma Electronics b.v.

Anerma Electronics is happy to present you the successor of our 100A to 5000A Rogowski-coils.

Beyond better mechanics, the main amelioration is the brand new circuit that compensates for an angled mounting of the coil.
Without this circuit, a measurement error is added if the sensor is not mounted as described in the manual.
From now on, you can mount the Rogowski-coil around the power cable in any direction, without additional error.
Rogowski coil

General specifications of the Rogowski coil:

  • Cheap price.
  • Possibility to integrate electronics.
  • Easy installation.
  • Distance between power cables can be as low as 10mm.
  • Hole for seal.
  • Robust mechanics, no clips that can break off.
  • Double isolation, the inner isolation layer is light blue, while the outer is black. The sensor should be replaced as soon as the inner layer is visible.
  • Nice look.

Products build around this new Rogowski-coil:

    iSens3: 100..5000A AC current sensor to 4..20mA analog or pulse output
    iSens3m: 100..5000A AC current sensor with modbus network
    coil set for VIPtrak5 power meter

iSens3 specifications:

  • 4..20m analog output + pulse output
  • Loop powered (7 to 28V).
  • Different current input ranges possible.
  • Can be used with PLC’s and machine controllers without any signal amplifier.
  • Special requirements possible on demand.
  • Status: full production in 2019Q1

iSens3m specifications

    Is a look alike of the iSens3 but with modbus network interface instead of the analog output. The network interface gives us the ability to measure beside the current also the frequency and the fundamental current (the fundamental current is proportional to what a regular power meter measures).
    Status: samples available