Anerma Electronics b.v.b.a

Digital Pulse Generator: a 4 channel programmable pulse stimulator.

Benefits of DPG 14

  • Leading technology
  • Complex pulse patterns:
    Single and bipolar pulse generation
    Pulse bursts
    Missing pulse, extra pulse generation
    Internal or external pulse gating and/or synchronization
  • No buttons for:
    21 CFR part 11 compliant
    Compatible with user access
  • Ease of use
  • Graphical touch screen
  • Connection to the world via Ethernet and TCP/IP (Internet)
  • Price
  • Compactness and standard dimensions for 19" racks
  • Current applications : isolated organ baths in cardiovascular and gastro-intestinal research

Possible pulse forms for P1, P2 and/or P3

Possible pulse forms for P1, P2 and/or P3


  • TTL outputs for master clock and pulses
  • TTL inputs for external master clock and external gate
  • CAN-BUS for the control of Anerma stimulators
  • Graphical display with touch screen
  • Serial port and Ethernet TCP/IP connections
  • 85 to 260V power supply
  • A compact half width 19" rack cassette
  • Available in a desk top case

Shifted and extra pulse generation

Shifted and extra pulse generation


  • Graphical interface with touch screen. Configurable user, owner and administrator profiles lets you select who is able to change which settings. The owner and administrator must enter a password before they can change privileged settings.
  • 3 independed mono phasic or biphasic pulse generators
  • High resolution: master clock, pulse delay and width ranges from 10 µs to 1 hour with a resolution of 1 µs
  • Master clock input and output for synchronization or triggering of external devices
  • Serial port and Network interface (Ethernet TCP/IP) with menu driven configuration.
  • Settings (.txt) and graphic screens (.bmp) can be saved on a network FTP server, so it is easy to generate a report.
  • Build-in http server. Surf to the unit to see settings and status.
  • No special software on PC is required. You can use standard software, Hyper terminal, Telnet and Netscape or Explorer.
  • Burst generation
  • The pulse inhibition and pulse enable counter, inhibits or generates a pulse every n master clocks.
  • Usable with Anerma or different second source pulse amplifiers.


  • as a pulse generator in isolated organ baths in cardiovascular and gastro-intestinal research

This is a customer specific design for Janssen Pharmaceutica.

A redesigned is available at